lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016

The battle of Pichincha and United States Independence day .... Fernanda

The battle of Pichincha 


The Battle of May 24. THE BATTLE OF PICHINCHA May 24, 1822

It was the battle of liberation from Spanish rule. A historic moment for the republic of Ecuador. History points to Marshal Antonio Jose de Sucre as the great manager of the Battle of Pichincha that gave way to a process of independence that materialize after the August 10 Independence of Ecuador.




Roasted cuy

The guinea pig is a species of rodent that weighs about 1 kg and can be found in the Andean region of South America, especially in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia. Therefore, roast cuy is a very common also in the cuisine of the Peruvian Amazon dish.
This dish is usually taken during holidays or special events and even an association in the country called Ecuador Chefs Association, which organizes the International Festival of Cuy, where the culinary richness of this rodent mammal exhibits.
Although the most popular dish is the roast cuy with potatoes, are also other dishes in which the guinea pig is the star ingredient, namely: locro de cuy, potato soup with cuy, aji de cuy cuy with hominy, etc.

Music : 

Traditions and activities :

Hall to honor the heroes of the Battle of Pichincha, on May 24, 1822, Ecuador. Martha sings
As also active in schools, colleges and the civic minute where do reviews about the date as well skits are performed on the 24 May .

Videos :

United States Independence Day 


The American Revolutionary War was a conflict that pitted the original Thirteen British colonies in North America against the Kingdom of Great Britain. It happened between 1775 and 1783, ending with the British defeat at the Battle of Yorktown and the signing of the Treaty of Paris.

During the war, France helped the American revolutionaries with ground troops commanded by Rochambeau and the Marquis de La Fayette and fleet under the command of marine and Guichen, Grasse and d'Estaing. Spain, meanwhile, initially made by Bernardo de Galvez and openly from the Battle of Saratoga, using weapons, supplies and opening a front on the southern flank. 

Food :

Burgers: Frankly irresistible when they make good meat and good ingredients. The custom in America is grilled them, especially to celebrate these dates. The most basic version (very similar to cheddar) American cheese, tomato, lettuce and some mayonnaise. But there are many variations, one of the most famous and typical American burger BLT is the leading crispy bacon. some also add a gherkin, onion or other types of cheese. So yes, the bread is essential has to be hamburger bun or as they call it "bun", very soft and generally with sesame topping.

Hot dogs: This is a classic street food in all US cities we can see a hot dog cart. Whether grilled or grilled if a roast, sausages are eaten in bread and accompanied with mustard and various sauces according to consumer taste. The classic accompaniments are onion sauce and chili (chili) and green tomato.

Barbecued ribs sauce (Barbecue Ribs): The Americans are the kings of pork ribs with barbecue sauce and therefore are present in all its grills and celebrations. How to prepare barbecue sauce varies by region, but generally takes ketchup, vinegar, spices (different kinds of pepper) and honey. It is best left crispy outside and tender inside, and the flavor of the sauce between sweet and savory enhances the smoky grill.

Cole Slaw: This refreshing salad is famous worldwide. A mixture of green cabbage and carrot, where fine cut vegetables and dressing are key. There are also variations where you can combine green and purple cabbage, scallions and carrot plus. The dressing is made from mayonnaise, vinegar, lemon juice and garlic, to which is added to make it lighter white yogurt. It is a perfect salad to accompany the baby back.



Traditions and activities :

Meeting in the United States, workers have descanzo, also activities carried out in schools, colleges, concerning what the Independence of the United States. As also parades are done, place flags of the United States.

Videos : 


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