viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016

Open House of Amazonas High School Maria's

Open House of Amazonas High School

Open House English in the Amazon National School, was located in block third open house rooms and sixth years of high school, while the fifth was in the block of the second corner of the second floor . The open house was provinces and cities, tourist places of our beautiful Ecuador. As also the traicionales dances, customs and tourist sites such as El Valle del Chota, El Panecillo, Otavalo, Cayambe, Cotacachi, The Middle of the World, Baths, among others.

I liked by:
The order presented to expose about their subject with their respective images of the places in the slides as well when dancing the place had touched them as in the case of Valle del Chota, Cayambe, Otavalo as also explanations about places.explain the dress of the students, as was all the girls with a black skirt, a white blouse and a red and tacos, as well uniformed men also handkerchief.

I dislike by :

Do not start on time, but is slow, because there were too many students because the course was very hot and some slides were not placed well mingled places in pictures and not much room for the dancers to desplazarce quickly and easily on the outside of the course they made too much noise and no explanations of the students listened very well also the guides expounding were very nervous about exposing visitors.

Pictures and Videos :

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