viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016

Open House of Amazonas High School Maria's

Open House of Amazonas High School

Open House English in the Amazon National School, was located in block third open house rooms and sixth years of high school, while the fifth was in the block of the second corner of the second floor . The open house was provinces and cities, tourist places of our beautiful Ecuador. As also the traicionales dances, customs and tourist sites such as El Valle del Chota, El Panecillo, Otavalo, Cayambe, Cotacachi, The Middle of the World, Baths, among others.

I liked by:
The order presented to expose about their subject with their respective images of the places in the slides as well when dancing the place had touched them as in the case of Valle del Chota, Cayambe, Otavalo as also explanations about places.explain the dress of the students, as was all the girls with a black skirt, a white blouse and a red and tacos, as well uniformed men also handkerchief.

I dislike by :

Do not start on time, but is slow, because there were too many students because the course was very hot and some slides were not placed well mingled places in pictures and not much room for the dancers to desplazarce quickly and easily on the outside of the course they made too much noise and no explanations of the students listened very well also the guides expounding were very nervous about exposing visitors.

Pictures and Videos :

Children's day Fernanda's

 Children`s  day in Ecuador

Origen of the party :

In Ecuador on June 1 of each year, educational institutions (schools and colleges), government organizations, non-governmental organizations and grassroots organizations working for children and adolescents, organize events in their respective establishments, the then to remember and reflect on the rights of children, they are celebrated with music, games, artistic presentations and sharing sweets, among other initiatives

Food :

In the coastal area of Ecuador are raised up to fourteen different species of crabs, although, however, are not edible all. The Pangora, crabs, blue and red are those used in the Ecuadorian cuisine, specifically for the preparation of the famous Ecuadorian cangrejada.

For processing, it is necessary to boil crustaceans in advance with the dressing, prepared with white onion, cilantro, black pepper, oregano, cumin, salt, green bananas and plantains. The cangrejada also tend to be accompanied by a salad prepared with onions, popcorn and banana chips.

The ceviche, which can also be written seviche, sebiche or cebiche can be meat, fish or seafood. It is considered the signature dish inside the Ecuadorian gastronomy.
When meat is marinated meat with citrus fruits such as lemon, lime or sour orange salad dressings, among others, as well as chili, cilantro, avocado, tomato or jicama. If you fish, countless types of seafood, including octopus, squid, lobster, shrimp, etc. 

Fish soup with onions
The encebollado is an original dish of Guayas province, southwest of the country. Like the cangrejada, this dish is very popular in the coastal area in general, because it is a fish stew accompanied by cassava and pickled red onion.
The accompanying fish broth is made from cassava liquified and can be flavored with chili powder, cumin or other spices to taste. The fish used to prepare this dish is usually albacore, but it is also possible to use tuna or weevil. To accompany, you can serve rice, popcorn, bread, lemon juice, chili, etc.

Pineapple custard or cheese
Pineapple cheese is a cheese cake which was added very common pineapple in Ecuador. For its preparation is not necessary to bake, and served cold, why it is a summery dessert. Among the ingredients necessary for its preparation, you need: unflavored gelatin, gelatin pineapple, ripe pineapple peeled and cut into cubes, curd, cooking cream and sugar.

Music :

Children's Day is celebrated in schools.

Activities :
Facilities are made
Full of goodies like lollipops, cookies, candies, jelly beans, chocolates, soft drinks, cake, and meals are also followed as dry chicken fry.

Give away toys, games made for childrens.

Video and Pictures :

 Children's day in Bolivia 

Origen of the party :

With the challenge of reducing rates of children living in poverty, Bolivia commemorated the Day of the Child reminder that April 12, 1952 year in which the Organization of American States (OAS) and UNICEF drafted the Declaration of Universal Principles children, as a result of inequality and mistreatment of children in the world.

This time it was agreed that each country should set a date to celebrate Children's Day. In Bolivia in 1955, the presidency of Victor Paz Estenssoro was instituted as "Bolivian Child Day" on April 12.

Food :

The chairo is one of the dishes of the gastronomy of the La Paz altiplano, whose main components are the potato starch, sweet potato, peeled and chalona moniker, very typical products of the high plateau areas. Andean origin, is a very tasty thick soup that is served hot and with green locotos.

lambreado rabbit: Cuy batter with ground and fried bread, sliced with chorrellana and fittings ch'uñu Phuti and white potato

Humitas: corn tamales (sweet white corn) stuffed with cheese, steamed in corn leaf.

Music :

Traditions and activities :

Programs are conducted in schools of children, as well as going for a walk with his family either in tourist places as well be in parks, playing, eating family field.

Videos and Pictures :

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016

The battle of Pichincha and United States Independence day .... Fernanda

The battle of Pichincha 


The Battle of May 24. THE BATTLE OF PICHINCHA May 24, 1822

It was the battle of liberation from Spanish rule. A historic moment for the republic of Ecuador. History points to Marshal Antonio Jose de Sucre as the great manager of the Battle of Pichincha that gave way to a process of independence that materialize after the August 10 Independence of Ecuador.




Roasted cuy

The guinea pig is a species of rodent that weighs about 1 kg and can be found in the Andean region of South America, especially in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia. Therefore, roast cuy is a very common also in the cuisine of the Peruvian Amazon dish.
This dish is usually taken during holidays or special events and even an association in the country called Ecuador Chefs Association, which organizes the International Festival of Cuy, where the culinary richness of this rodent mammal exhibits.
Although the most popular dish is the roast cuy with potatoes, are also other dishes in which the guinea pig is the star ingredient, namely: locro de cuy, potato soup with cuy, aji de cuy cuy with hominy, etc.

Music : 

Traditions and activities :

Hall to honor the heroes of the Battle of Pichincha, on May 24, 1822, Ecuador. Martha sings
As also active in schools, colleges and the civic minute where do reviews about the date as well skits are performed on the 24 May .

Videos :

United States Independence Day 


The American Revolutionary War was a conflict that pitted the original Thirteen British colonies in North America against the Kingdom of Great Britain. It happened between 1775 and 1783, ending with the British defeat at the Battle of Yorktown and the signing of the Treaty of Paris.

During the war, France helped the American revolutionaries with ground troops commanded by Rochambeau and the Marquis de La Fayette and fleet under the command of marine and Guichen, Grasse and d'Estaing. Spain, meanwhile, initially made by Bernardo de Galvez and openly from the Battle of Saratoga, using weapons, supplies and opening a front on the southern flank. 

Food :

Burgers: Frankly irresistible when they make good meat and good ingredients. The custom in America is grilled them, especially to celebrate these dates. The most basic version (very similar to cheddar) American cheese, tomato, lettuce and some mayonnaise. But there are many variations, one of the most famous and typical American burger BLT is the leading crispy bacon. some also add a gherkin, onion or other types of cheese. So yes, the bread is essential has to be hamburger bun or as they call it "bun", very soft and generally with sesame topping.

Hot dogs: This is a classic street food in all US cities we can see a hot dog cart. Whether grilled or grilled if a roast, sausages are eaten in bread and accompanied with mustard and various sauces according to consumer taste. The classic accompaniments are onion sauce and chili (chili) and green tomato.

Barbecued ribs sauce (Barbecue Ribs): The Americans are the kings of pork ribs with barbecue sauce and therefore are present in all its grills and celebrations. How to prepare barbecue sauce varies by region, but generally takes ketchup, vinegar, spices (different kinds of pepper) and honey. It is best left crispy outside and tender inside, and the flavor of the sauce between sweet and savory enhances the smoky grill.

Cole Slaw: This refreshing salad is famous worldwide. A mixture of green cabbage and carrot, where fine cut vegetables and dressing are key. There are also variations where you can combine green and purple cabbage, scallions and carrot plus. The dressing is made from mayonnaise, vinegar, lemon juice and garlic, to which is added to make it lighter white yogurt. It is a perfect salad to accompany the baby back.



Traditions and activities :

Meeting in the United States, workers have descanzo, also activities carried out in schools, colleges, concerning what the Independence of the United States. As also parades are done, place flags of the United States.

Videos : 


lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

Mother's day Fernanda

Mohter's day 

Mother's day in
Origen of the party :

Mother's Day is celebrated around the world, the history of this festival dates back to ancient Greece, where they surrendered honors Rea, the mother of Poseidon, Hades and Zeus gods.
For its part the Catholic Church changed the date of Mother's Day in a celebration to honor the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus.

The celebration of Mother's Day "second Sunday in May" throughout the planet was decreed by President Woodrow Wilson United States in 1914.

Food :
It is celebrated in each of our homes with delicious meals such as:

Crab soup
1 string cangrejossopa-de-cangrejo2
1 chopped tomato
1 serving of chopped parsley
1 green pepper, chopped
1 chopped onion paiteña
2 stalks chopped white onion
1 little oil
5 ripe cut tages
3 ounces of roasted peanuts and liquefied 1 cup milk
salt, cumin, pepper to taste
1 tablespoon sugar.

The first step is to thoroughly wash crabs, then a biggie pot put the advantages of mature and settled over crabs.

In a separate bowl we perform rehashing with oil, onions, parsley, pepper, tomato, a spoon of salt, 1 teaspoon cumin, pepper, and sugar; We put it rehashed on crabs and add enough boiling water to cover.

Let cook crabs for an hour, then put the liquefied peanut milk and let it boil for about 10 minutes.

Turn off the kitchen and get ready to enjoy this delicious crab broth.

Among other foods such as:
Chicken Soup
Seafood rice
Dry chicken
I hornado
Fry, etc.

Music :
In a small house parties are held and which put musics according to the occasion and others.

Julio Jaramillo 


Traditions and activities :
The Mother's Day is celebrated in schools and school children susu, relizando a meal, a banquet, dances, competitions, delivery of presents, poems among others.
In households receive the blandishments of the spouses and their children as they can also go for a walk to various tourist sites such as the Baños Canton, Píllaro Canton to enjoy fishing and other activities.

Videos :

Mother's day in Mexico 

Origen of the party :

In Mexico, Mother's Day is celebrated annually on May 10, without following days of the week as other countries. This day would be celebrated for the first time in 1911, but it was not until 1922 when it would have institutionalized the initiative of the director of Excelsior Rafael Alducín, probably influenced by the Secretary of Education José Vasconcelos, although it is suggested that "this initiative was actually a reaction to a feminist "movement Yucatanense.

Mother's Day has become an important date in the country and generated an impact on Mexican culture; The celebration includes support of various State agencies, also including some religious connotation to link up with tributes to the Virgin of Guadalupe in some villages.

Food :
Among the typical foods of Mexico : 

Flank steak with sauce guajes
Durangueño stew, meat in a little oil is cooked and seasoned with salt and pepper to taste, adds the tomato and onion, then chili meat is added and also adds a liter of boiling water.
Stuffed Loin pork, seasoned with white wine and flavored sometimes with maguey honey.
Roast venison, accompanied with pieces of ham and smeared with butter.
Drunken chicken, a dish that is added ham, sausage, raisins and almonds.
flamed cheese, cheese type Asadero accompanied by chorizo, ancho chile rajas, or mushrooms
Egg dessert prepared with breadcrumbs, milk and sugar, after passing through the oven adds a touch of syrup.


It is accompanied by mariachis and their music:

Traditions and activities :

In Mexico it is very common for mothers sing 'happy birthday' 'because it is a very special day for her and also go out to eat with the family to play and also visit the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.


Videos :