domingo, 17 de abril de 2016

Teacher's day Fernanda

Teacher's day 


Origen : 
In 1920, President Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno decrees that on April 13 (the day he was born the famous and immortal writer Juan Maria Montalvo Ambato Fiallos in 1832) is Teacher's Day Ecuadorian.

Food : 
He delights in several delicious dishes such as:
Dry chicken
Seafood rice
All these delicious meals accompanied by juices such as:
Of tomato

As desserts.

Music : 
In schools and colleges these songs dedicated to teachers

Traditions and activities : 
To celebrate teachers in Ecuador the following is done:
In each school or college the minute civico is by the allusive date where estsa covered by phrases poems, songs, compliments to the teachers.

  As also in each course it is made programs where poetry is celebrated with music, banquets, food to the respective tutor as well as other teachers

Like a Dinner with teachers.

                          Teacher's day in Mexico 

Origen : 
The initiative was approved in 1917 and presented by Mr Benito Ramirez and Enrique Viesca, who proposed the President Venustiano Carranza was established May 15 as a day dedicated to teachers, being presidential decree celebrate this date as the day the teacher, commemorated by first time in Mexico in 1918.

Delicious meals such as:
Enchiladas: The enchiladas are similar to tacos, but very spicy, without cereal in and with plenty of cheese. There are those who baked au gratin not only cheese that covers them, but also the inside. As usual with these foods, there are different recipes depending on the region
White pozole
Tortilla chips
Shrimp aguachile
Oaxaca cheese
Panela cheese
Mexican tortas.


Music : 

Traditions and actvities : 

Activities as in each of grades or courses giving tributes to graduates as well enjoying the typical food is done.

Each teacher, urban or rural; primary and secondary higher education or half and humanism faced with the task itself has been imposed and that the nation has entrusted to him.

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