miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015


Quito officially  San Fransisco  of Quito , is the capital of the Republic of  Ecuador  the former capital of South America and the Pichincha Province .It is also cantonal or district hed of the Metropolitan Disctrict of Quito . Currenly is considered the economic capital of the country .

Locro patatoes:
This dish , wich is called rucru , Quechua , was common among the Incas and people who cultivared patatoes .Usually it accompanies browin and avocados .
The Quito hornado is not soggy like Tulcan .The secret to the skin is golden brown and bubbles burts es near the end pour cold water.He  is accompanied by mote , potato pancakes and sour chili or cold .
This hearty stew uses beef feet and sometimes honds. In the markets of Quito , they are aligned singed and then washed feet using pumice .
The basic ingredients for preparing the leg of veal cordon and the nickname while peppers and peanuts are optional.
It is a sweet concoction made ground and shelled  that has been soaked avernight morocho above .In Quito are famous that are offerend on the premises of the 5 corners in Chimbacalle and usually served with breaded

Figs arrived in Quito from Asia Minor by the Spaniards . The most popular honey eaten cooked in brown sugar or scratch .

It is present in the most typical restaurants of the capital .To  be made of a variety of fruit  , pineaple , guava ,strawberry, babaco ,amony , others . Is an aromatic refreshing drink wich also incorporates morocho or nickname and herbs .

The cable car Quito 
This transport in one of the main attractions of Quito. With the cable car we can access Quito Loma the Panecillo , being the Cruz Loma over four thousand meters above sea level . Here you will also find the statue of the Virgin of Quito .
Teatro Sucre
One of the theaters oldest opera in South America, held in a neoclassical architectural programs in the country ,visiting at night will  leave you appreciote the play of light that illuminate and beautify this majestic building.

The Metropolitan Cathedral
Located in the city center , the Metropolitan Cathedral is one of the most important spiritual icons of Quito. By visiting the Metropolitan Cathedral we can be guided to visit the grave of famous people like Mariscal Antonio Jose de Sucre , and fame presidents , bisgops and priests of the city 
Zoo Guayllabamba
The animals living in Quito Zoo come from different places.The first and oldest were former members of the  Zoo Amazonas Eloy Alfaro Military College , which was transformed and move to the current in Guayllabamba in 1947. These  in clude lions some of spectecled bears, and the famous Galapagos ,tortoises , condors .

Important Places

 Chapel of Man
The Chapel of Man Quito is located  in Ecuador , it is a large scale complex cultura architectual space . This is a memorial sent to the Latin American pre Columbian man image , contemporany man .
In this form the song , pain , crying , anger , tenderness , protest dream , violence , fights sacrifice and victory of the Latin American man to whom Guayasamin dedicates thi work .

Carondelet Palace

Seat of the central goverment and hom of the president of the Republic . It is located in the premises of the Royal Audience of Quito , the same who held the military and civilian power.

House of Culture 
The Cultural Heritage Institution custody at national level , is distributed in the different Provincial Nuclei, housing collections from archeology , numismaties asnd photograpy . 
It dates back  to 1938 , when the sole or National Museum , which included various types of collections and since 1944 worksin a colonial house in the historic center of Quito, passing in the same your to create ascribed to the newly founded House of Culture Ecuatoriana the belonging to it .
The Bun 
This natural elevation was so named for its resemblace to a small , bred it stands a mid the city as a natural look out .
It is believed that his real name is  SHUNGOLOMA  which in Quechua me as  HILL OF THE HEART. In pre Inca times it was built on a temple dedicated to the worshid of the sun god  called Yuvirac , which was destroy by the Rumiñahui Indian while his troops resisted the spanish advance .

Famous is the leyend that tells how the convent of San Fransisco of Quito was built by Cantuña pact with the devil.
Cantuña contractor , late delivery of works , traded with the devil to exchange his sould , will help you work through the night . Many worked while it lasted imps of darkness to finish the church.
Cantuña was caught in the flames that consumed the Inca Quito.
Some compassione religious attemptedexorcism  against evil and persuasion whith Cantuña  to return what has been teceived and break the deal .Given the continuing negative, foreigners began to see it with a mixture of fear and mercy.

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