domingo, 14 de febrero de 2016

Fernanda's CARNIVAL


Ecuador and Rio the Janeiro 

Ecuador carnival 

The festival of flowers and fruits :
Party Fruit and Flowers is one of Ecuador's most popular celebrations and takes place in Ambato, for the carnival. This feast began to be celebrated in 1951, as a way in which people celebrated their rebirth Ambato, after an earthquake destroyed the city in 1949. The Feast of Fruits and Flowers was in the beginning (after the earthquake) an agricultural fair, but in 1951 coincided with the carnival. It is so called because the players are precisely fruits and flowers are produced in abundance in the region, and this party is, somehow, the opportunity to thank the earth for its fertility, and portend good harvests
The dish par excellence of Ambato: the llapingachos. This delicacy takes potato omelet, especially as it becomes golden fried; accompanied by: handmade chorizo, whose taste has not been imitated elsewhere, fried egg, avocado, lettuce and tomato.
We also find all fruit juices and combinations not imagine indispensable alongside llapingachos.

Also taste the amazing pies morocho; delicious hornado with mote; broth "31", chicken, yahuarlocro; booklet and other specialties of our local food, yet incredibly prepared and served with all the charisma of its vendors.

Also taste the amazing pies morocho


Ambato Land of Flowers

Carnival  from Guranda 

Election of the Queen of Ambato

Chacarero parade Ambato

Parade Guaranda 

Parade Teran ... Pillaro

Carnival in Rio the Janeiro

Carnival has been a massive party for centuries. The Greeks celebrated many festivals of its kind in honor of the god of wine. The Romans continued to celebrate in honor of Bacchus and during Saturnalia, where men spent an entire day in a drunken state and according to tradition, the masters and soldiers exchanged clothes. The Roman Catholic Church later adopted these celebrations until Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent in the Christian calendar. "Entrudo" is the name of a Portuguese festival which apparently is the source of the Rio Carnival. The first dance of Carnival in Rio was held in 1840 and participants danced polkas and waltzes, as opposed to the samba, which was not introduced until 1917.


Unquestionably the typical food of Rio de Janeiro is the feijoada, a dish of the most complete found in almost any restaurant and it is especially on Saturdays tradition. Full carioca feijoada is composed of a stew of beans (beans) black cooked with pork, bacon and sausage mainly served with white rice, farofa (toasted manioc flour), leaves couve (cabbage or spinach) finely chopped and slices of orange. It is also common to find platters that include some kind of fried meat, fried potatoes, rice, farofa and a portion simple Feijao (only baked beans without meat).

The steaks, a combination of different types of meat cooked on a grill that is usually accompanied by white rice, Feijao, farofa, fried potatoes and salad. Best to test as much as possible to be meat is to visit one of the famous rodizio type churrascarias city where spectacular buffets for various types of meat and seafood, made the coals are served.

Leão Veloso soup, a strong and tasty dish made from shrimp heads, fish, lobster and other seafood, accompanied by tomato and saffron.



                                                                            Music Rio the Janeiro

Traditions and activities 
The culmination of the modern carnival is considered the performance of the samba schools. It is a fairy spectacle of dance, preparing for a year. The luxurious costumes and mastery of dancers enchant viewers daily in Fietsa involved more than 100 schools dances. Carnival in Rio is considered the event important scale, so the organizers of the party try to make it more attractive for tourists.

The end