domingo, 3 de enero de 2016

NEW YEAR ..!!!! Fernanda Ninacuri

 NEW YEAR   .......


Burning the old year has ancient history and occurs in many parts of the world, and it was in the Babylonian, Greek and Roman cultures.

Rome, worshiped with Prometheus custom of figures of men, birds and animals were burned to represent human vices.


In Ecuador parted the year ending getting older years are puppets made from old clothes or stick with newspaper it represents everything good and bad that happened to us during the year and burned at midnight and we put firecrackers or explosives and burn quite rumble and that the best things come next year and wrong fence.

The celebration of New Year is performed in all cities of Ecuador, mainly with the tradition of burning the old year or puppet, a fact that represents leaving behind the negative experiences of the past year and welcoming a new one, with the hope it's better than the last.


There are many more traditions like eating twelve grapes, dress in a certain color, turn your home with a suitcase if you want to travel. Finally, I believe that the burning of old is the most popular as tradition says once you start doing your old man, you must do each year for seven consecutive years, because if you stop doing bad luck come into your life, the tradition of burning old also, the idea that by doing these burning all the bad things that happened that year to the new year, hoping for better days.

Finished years old burn proceed to sit the whole family for dinner or baked turkey baking Piglet and wine or champagne to toast the new year. In this way it represents what the new year we will not miss the food in abundance, but not all households Not so with good bread is happy while we are in union with the family.



In this festival, which has a history of almost four thousand years, welcoming spring occurs. From that day, the farmers are prepared for sowing and for Chinese represents the effective start of a new year.

While in the West the year begins on January 1, in China the 'Nian' (year) starts near the end of January or early February, thus varying based on the traditional calendar, known as 'Moon' or setting '
The Chinese lunar calendar incorporates the lunar cycle and the position of the sun. According to legend, the calendar goes back to 2600 BC, when the Yellow Emperor, Shih Huang Di, began the first cycle of the Chinese zodiac and appointed an animal to represent each year in the cycle of 12 years.


It is a period full of celebrations, the New Year's Day begins and ends with the Lantern Festival, the fifteenth day of the first month. Family visits, special meals and fireworks happen. Everyone celebrates, especially during the first three days of the festival.

To receive the "Spring Festival" people clean their homes with old brooms, which is then thrown away. Hang red banners with poetic verses on their doors, decorated with Chinese New Year paintings on the walls and red lanterns. Fireworks and firecrackers are released, hoping to ward off bad luck and bring prosperity. Children receive money from family and tradition close the remaining tasks facing the new year, so it is important to pay debts.

The first day of the beginning of the year is traditionally not eat meat for a long, full life. It is a way to welcome the gods of heaven and earth. That day is the big day Dragon Dance, highlight of the Spring Festival is also known as this year again.The first day of the beginning of the year is traditionally not eat meat for a long, full life. It is a way to welcome the gods of heaven and earth. That day is the big day Dragon Dance, highlight of the Spring Festival also known as the New Year.

All meals must be prepared Andes the new year as KNIVES SAVE should be short but a new year.

Long noodles, for long life and not the courts!
Shrimp for Abundance

Long Green Vegetables for a Green Year and Good Harvest